Interactive program go generate bash scripts to determine down hole tool orientation by PCA with a VERTICAL IMPACT SOURCE. This is experimental, assumes Rayleigh waves generated by source. To run, type: genbhodV

EXPERIMENTAL program generates 4 bash script files which can be run to determine geophone orientations based on the large particle motion. The concept is experimental. In short, one uses the horizontal motion of the Rayleigh wave in the context of the experimental setup to determine horizontal tool orientation. It works well for the reference phone, but your mileage may vary down-hole (depending on the depth of penetration of the Rayleigh wave, and on the subsurface nodal pattern of the Rayleigh wave. Two of the scripts are for a surface, reference geophone, and two are for the down-hole geophone. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is actually done by the program, BHOD 10.1.11. There are many assumptions made in this code.
