Down-hole surveys can determine stiffness and damping of soils in shear. Two BSU programs, are used to measure S-wave velocity dispersion (BVAS) and amplitude decay with distance traveled (BAMP). These programs produce two files, bvas.his and bamp.his which can then be used in a joint inversion scheme to determine stiffness and damping. Program CAPLOT may be used to create an image file displaying the dispersion and decay measurements with 95% confidence bars.

 caplot  bvas_file bamp_file emin emax well year date idev 
 bvas_file =input file ( bvas.his) 
 bamp_file =input file ( bamp.his) 
 Title info from bvas and bamp runs: 
  emin     =minimum elevation (real) 
  emax     =maximum elevation (real) 
  well     =well name (char 4) 
  year     = year of survey (integer, 4 digits)
  date     = 4 digit integer mmdd
  idev     =device for plotting 
          0=X window display 
          1=Post Script *.ps file
          2=Xfig *.fig file 
          3=JPEG *.jpeg file 
          4=PDF  *.pdf  file

Figure 5: CAPLOT: Display S-wave dispersion and amplitude decay from program outputs of BVAS and BAMP programs.