For SEG-2 data. The program combines *.nez survey file data with the SEG-2 seismic file data to produce a BSEGY format file, *.seg. One difference between this and the Bison data TOPCON 10.1.3 procedure is that there is no need to run BHED with an intermediate *.xyz file. This goes directly to *.seg. The command line arguments are:
   topcon2  topf seg2f lid shdp is nch vpl vpn ir esh isa isv ira ita 
     topf   =  topcon file name
     seg2f  =  seg-2 file name 
     lid    =  line ID 
     shdp   =  shot depth
     is     =  shot location number
     nch    =  number of channels (nch<66)
     vp1    =  geophone station channel 1
     vpn    =  geophone station channel n
     ir     =  shot record number
     esh    =  elevation adjustment to be added 
     isa    =  source polarization azimuth (deg.)
     isv    =  source polarization vertical (deg.)
     ira    =  reference phone polarization R-axis (deg.)
     ita    =  reference phone polarization T-axis (deg.)
An example of issuing the command for a down-hole surve:

topcon2 stp001.nez 1051.DAT 00X5 0.0 1 6 0156 0151 1051 0. 270 135 0 270

This combines survey file stp001.nez with SEG-2 data 1051.DAT. In the case of down-hole data, the only orientation of horizontal components is known for the reference phone. To determine the orientation of a down-hole phone see GENBHOD 10.1.9 and BHOD 10.1.11. A partial listing of the resulting header dump by program BDUMP 4.0.1 follows:
                     |   PARTIAL SEGY HEADER DUMP    |
                     |                               |
                     |           1051.seg            |
                     |                               |

   Length =  2000 samples             |  Shot Elevation =      849.2
   Sample Interval =    0.00025 sec.  |  Shot Depth =        0.0
   Delay Time =    0 msec.            |  Up Hole Time =     0 msec
   Low Cut Filter  =    0 Hz.         |  Shot X-COORD =    9963.09
   High Cut Filter = 1000 Hz.         |  Shot Y-COORD =   10022.70
   Line ID: 00X5                      |  Shot Date (year.moday) = 1999.1102
   Shot Orientation:                  |  Shot Time (hr:min)   = 14:25
   Azimuth=270 Deg.  Vertical=135 Deg.|  Charge Size (grams)=     0
   #  |REC.|SHOT  REC|       |  ELEV.  X-COORD   Y-COORD|FOLD|(SEC.)| (dB) |   |   |
    1 |   0|0001 0156|   0.73|  848.96   9963.09  10022.00| 3|0.0000|    0 |270| 90|
    2 |   0|0001 0155|   0.73|  848.96   9963.09  10022.00| 3|0.0000|    0 |  0| 90|
    3 |   0|0001 0154|   0.73|  848.96   9963.09  10022.00| 3|0.0000|   24 |  0|  0|
    4 |   0|0001 0153|  14.49|  834.68   9963.09  10023.25| 3|0.0000|   24 |  0| 90|
    5 |   0|0001 0152|  14.49|  834.68   9963.09  10023.25| 3|0.0000|   24 |  0| 90|
    6 |   0|0001 0151|  14.49|  834.68   9963.09  10023.25| 3|0.0000|   24 |  0|  0|