Converting from SEGY to BSEGY Format

This first example is for a conventional reverse profile line shot along the road shoulder. It is used to determine the refractor velocity, overburden velocity, and delay times at locations needed later for the line which runs up the steep slope. Assuming you have downloaded the ID-102 archive and unpacked it in a convenient location, you will note that it has the following directory structure:

|--- bison
|     |--- basemaps
|--- seg
|     |---shoulderLine
|---  |   |--- directWave
|---  |   `--- headWave
|---  `---slopeLine
`--- sgy

Change to the sgy directory. These are in the data exchange format defined by the Society of Exploration Geophyicists, SEGY (Barry et al. (2)). The data format includes a reel header which goes back to the days of digital tape. It has been adapted for disk use here. The BSEGY used by BSU differs in that it does not retain the reel header, and there are some special uses for the optional headers (see section 6.1 for more). Convert these files to BSEGY with a command sequence as follows:

bcnv k004.sgy 0  1  1
mv bcnvk004.seg k004.seg

The move ``mv'' command renames bcnvk004.seg with k004.seg. Repeat this for files k008.sgy and k009.sgy. Then move the BSEGY data files to the ``shoulderLine'' directory,

mv k0*.seg ../seg/shoulderLine

The files are as follows:

pm 2018-04-08