
To illustrate programs in this section, we will continue with the gendis example. Again, a graphical sketch of that simple layer over a half space model is shown in Figure 55.

Figure 55: Simple layer over a half space model used in the gendis man page.
Image FigureX

After you have created a namelist file with gendis, you may want to confirm that you have entered the correct model. Let's assume the file name is disper.d. The model illustrated in Figure 55 has been used in this example. From the command line, you would type:

showmdl disper.d

This would produce the following listing. The last 3 lines are not part of the disper.d file, but echo back what the Lame's constant and shear modulus compute to in terms of the velocities and densities.

pm@penguin:~$ showmdl disper.d
file: disper.d                                
       nlay=    3,                                                             
     rho= 0.1600E+04, 0.1600E+04, 0.1700E+04,                                  
     mu= 0.1600E+08, 0.1600E+08, 0.2720E+09,                                   
     lame= 0.9920E+09, 0.9920E+09, 0.6256E+10,                                 
     zi= 0.0000E+00, 0.2000E+01, 0.2001E+01,                                   
       deltz=    2.0000,                                                       
       nfreq=610, flo=  0.1000000E+01, delf= 0.24414061E+00,   jsmax=300, ksw=0
        pvlcty=0.0, pfreq=0.0, zend=100.0,                                     
       octav1='phase.m', octav2='mat2.m',                                      
       curve='earth.crv', /                                                    
      trimmed deltz=   2.00100

     point       depth       beta      alpha      rho

         1        0.000      100.00      800.00   1600.0
         2        2.000      100.00      800.00   1600.0
         3        2.001      400.00     2000.00   1700.0

pm 2018-04-08