Appendix (bhelp listing)

babs.c    rectify seismic traces                                         
bagc.c    automatic gain control of traces (scale in time and space)     
ba2s.c    FORMAT CONVERSION: ASCII TEXT ---> BSEGY (no geometry setting) 
bamp.F90  amplitude analysis by frequency (K-V Solid)Downhole Sph. Div.  
bamx.F90  amplitude analysis by frequency (K-V Solid)SurfaceWaves Cyl.Div
bbal.c    balances two data sets to have same MAV (mean absolute value)  
bcad.f    plot seismic traces as CAD (*.dxf; digital exchange file)      
bcar.c    apply moving average (box car) filter as function of time      
bcnv.c    FORMAT CONVERSION: BSEGY <---> SEG-Y  (BSU=*.seg, SEG-Y=*.sgy) 
bcrd.f    coordinate rotation and translation, BSEGY geometry headers    
bdat.c    datuming program for refraction data (easier for picking)      
bdcn.f    deconvolution (profile or trace mode), prediction or error out 
bdif.f    differentiates w.r.t. time using Bilinear Transform method     
bdum.f    generate dummy data set with user defined impulse position     
bdump.f   generate a dump of selected BSEGY header values                
bedt.f    edit BSEGY seismic file (traces, time, sample interval, etc.)  
bequ.c    trace equalize data by L2 norm or Maximum Absolute Value       
bext.c    extract traces from a merged data set based on header values   
bfil.f    ARMA FILTER of seismic traces (low-, band-, or high-pass)      
bfit.f    Solves for interval velocity from times in headers (VSP)       
bftr.f    FILTER traces with other *.seg traces, or namelist from bdump  
bfxt.f    F-X Transform of seismic traces                                
bgar.c    exponential GAIN recovery, by range specification              
bgaz.c    exponential GAIN recovery, by depth specification              
bhed.f    up/down load selected header information from/to a text file   
bhelp.c   this listing of BSU package contents                           
bhod.F90  hodogram by PCA to determine down-hole tool orientation        
bint.f    numerical integration of seismic traces (trapezoidal rule)     
bis2seg.c FORMAT CONVERSION: BISON ---> BSEGY  (no geometry setting)     
bkil.f    either kill (delete) or zero seismic traces                    
bmed.f    median mix of seismic traces (spatial)                         
bmix.f    mean mix of seismic traces (spatial)                           
bmrg.f    merge traces from many files to a single file                  
bmrk.f    mark first break picks with a delta function on waveform       
bmst.f    MASTER illustrates programing in BSU, FORTRAN                  
bnez.c    GEOMETRY: Create survey *.nez (Northing,Easting,Elevation) file
bnfd.c    MODELING:  computes near and far field in elastic whole space  
bnos.f    MODELING:  generate band-limited random noise traces           
boff.c    computed source to receiver offset and add to headers          
bpic.f    automatic first break picker, or inserts picks from a file     
bplt.c    plot seismic traces X11|PS|XFIG|JPEG|PDF formats wt,va,blk/gry 
brdc.f    remove DC bias from traces                                     
bred.f    apply linear or hyperbolic correction in time to traces        
bref.f    delay time refraction analysis setup                           
brev.f    reverse either channel order or sample polarity                
brot.f    rotate seismic traces (3-component data)                       
brpt.c    remove pretrigger (updates header and static shift data)       
brsp.f    resample data in time (augmentation with zeros in freq domain) 
bscl.f    scale data set with user provided, or data derived factor      
bsdc.f    show DC level in seismic traces as %MAV (mean absolute value)  
bshf.f    apply a static shift to seismic traces (shift in time)         
bshp.f    Wiener least squares shaping filter                            
bsrt.c    sorts traces by offset                                         
bstk.f    stacks traces in a gather (number traces out=number in)        
bsum.c    weighted sum of two data sets: file_out = file1 + C*file2      
bswp.c    byte swap a BSEGY or SU data set (toggle endian)               
btor.f    applies geophone orientations to trace headers (from PCA)      
bvas.F90  measures body wave velocity dispersion (Kelvin-Voigt solid)    
bvax.F90  measures velocity dispersion on surface data                   
bvel.f    apply correctional velocity (linear with range) Down-Hole      
bvsp.f    down-hole travel time inversion with ray bending               
bwht.f    non-linear whitening program (agc applied to bank of filters)  
bwin.f    window the data aperture with raised cosine tapers             
bxcr.f    cross (or auto) correlation, output to BSEGY data set          
tplt.c    plot a single trace, pipes to GNUPLOT and writes gnuplot file  
qplt.c    plot all traces (scaled by max abs) pipe to GNUPLOT and write  
          a gnuplot file (                                     
disper.f  computes dispersion curves for Rayleigh waves (see also waves) 
caplot.F90 PostScript plots of combined bvas and bamp runs               
cmst.c    MASTER illustrates programing in BSU, C-LANGUAGE               
egg2seg.c FORMAT CONVERSION: EEG's SEG-2 ---> BSEGY (no geometry)        
genb2s.f  BASH SCRIPT GENERATOR: sets up a block of bis2seg runs         
genbhod.f BASH SCRIPT GENERATOR: sets up for PCA analysis   s-wave source
genbhodV.f BASH SCRIPT GENERATOR: sets up for PCA analysis  vert. source 
genbrot.f BASH SCRIPT GENERATOR: sets up for run of brot on many files   
gendis.f  helper program to build namelist file for program disper.f     
genref.f  BASH SCRIPT GENERATOR: for geometry setting on pattern, CDP    
gensetg.c generates control files for geometry setting, setgeom program  
genvsp.f  BASH SCRIPT GENERATOR: setting geometry for down-hole surveys  
genwav.F90 Helper program to build namelist file for program waves.f     
halfsp.f  computes motion-stress vectors and velocity of Rayleigh wave   
lamb.c    MODELING:  computes solution to Lamb's problem (Vp/Vs=sqrt(3)) 
picrestore.f Restore suxpicker picks on data reduced by bred.f           
seg2txt.f FORMAT CONVERSION: BSEGY ----> ASCII (Octave/Matlab)           
seg2csv.c FORMAT CONVERSION: BSEGY ----> CSV (comma separated value)     
          CSV files can be input into spread sheets                      
setgeom.c Sets geometry for reciprocal refraction shooting (see gensetg) 
top2dxf.f FORMAT CONVERSION: Survey NEZ (*.nez) ---> CAD (*.dxf)         
top2nez.f FORMAT CONVERSION: RAW TOPCON  ---> Survey NEZ (*.nez)         
topbcrd.f apply coordinate translation and rotation to Survey NEZ (*.nez)
topcon.f  combines NEZ with BISON file --->*.xyz file Run bhed on *.xyz  
topcon2.c combines NEZ with EGG SEG-2  ---> BSEGY with geometry          
traplt.f  line printer style plots of samples and spectrum               
waves.F90 computes synthetic Rayleigh wave only seismograms (see disper) 
bargrid.c   draw a progress bar grid to screen (stdout)                  
c_boxit.c   apply a running average (box car) filter to a signal         
c_bsegin.c  read a seismic trace in BSEGY format                         
c_bsegout.c write a seismic trace in BSEGY format                        
cr_labl.c   write a copyright label to screen (stdout)                   
exbar.c     draw progress bar to screen (stdout)                         
fcr_labl.c  write a copyright label to a file                            
findxyz.c   extract geophone and source coordinates from headers         
fmax_min.c  compute maximum and minimum value in a signal, and indexes   
fnorm.c     compute L2 norm of a signal                                  
hlp_labl.c  print a help label to screen (stdout)                        
in_chk.c    scan a data set for number of traces, sample interval, etc.  
lsqufit.c   least squares fit, straight line function: y=mx + b          
mav.c       compute mean absolute value of a signal                      
names.c     build file names from process ID                             
onepole.c   perform a single pole (Z-plane) filter                       
xdrfloa.c   IBM functions to convert between IEEE and IBM floats         
FORTRAN SUBROUTINES:                                                     
agc.f       apply Automatic Gain Control (AGC) on a signal               
arma.f      apply an Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) filter         
bnoise.f    compute band-limited random noise                            
boxit.f     apply a running average (box car) filter to a signal         
bsegin.f    read a seismic trace in BSEGY format                         
bsegout.f   write a seismic trace in BSEGY format                        
cfilt.f     design a bank of band-pass digital filters                   
chktrc.f    scan a data set for number of traces, sample interval, etc.  
conv.f      apply a selected filter out of bank designed by cfilt.f      
conv2.f     time domain convolution of two signals                       
cross.f     E. A. Robinson's cross correlation subroutine                
cshift.f    shift traces in frequency domain by phase rotation           
czero.f     zero a complex signal                                        
demult.f    demultiplex a complex trace into real and imag. parts        
dot.f       E. A. Robinson's inner (dot) product between two vectors     
drum.f      E. A. Robinson's phase unwrapping subroutine (modified by pm)
eureka.f    E. A. Robinson's solution by Levinson Recursion              
findxyz.f   extract geophone and source coordinates from headers         
flist.f     line printer style plot of a complex signal (spectrum)       
fmed.f      bubble sort on a vector, returns median value                
fold.f      E. A. Robinson's convolution subroutine                      
l2norm.f    rescale a seismic signal by its L2 norm                      
nlogn.f     E. A. Robinson's Fast Fourier Transform (Radix 2)            
nrad2.f     determines the first power of two larger than a given value  
pltbar.f    draw progress bar to screen (like bargrid.c and exbar.c)     
polar.f     E. A. Robinson's conversion from rectangular to polar form   
rand.f      CMLIB: generates uniform pseudo-random number                
rect.f      convert complex numbers from polar to rectangular form       
runif.f     CMLIB: calls rand.f to generate longer period random sequence
shape.f     E. A. Robinson's least squares shaping filter                
tlist.f     line printer style plot of a signal (also lists values)      
vshft.f     shifts a signal by linear interpolation of samples           
xcor.f      cross correlates two signals                                 
xcor1.f     one sided autocorrelation of a signal                        
xmax.f      find maximum and minimum values in a vector                  
C-INCLUDE FILES: Source Code Directory=bsu-3.0.1/src/C/include/          
                 Installed   Directory=/usr/local/include/bsu-3.0.1/     
c_bsegy.h            BSEGY header structure                              
sub4.h               prototypes of library functions                     
FORTRAN INCLUDE FILES: Source Code Directory=bsu-3.0.1/src/Fort/include/ 
                       Installed  Directory=/usr/local/include/              BSEGY header declaration and equivalence statements
bsegy.f90             BSEGY header declaration and equivalence statements
                       OCTAVE/MATLAB CODES                               
Octave:   Installed Directory=/usr/local/share/octave/site-m             
bsegin.m         Reads seismic traces in BSEGY format                    
bsegout.m        Write seismic traces in BSEGY format                    
segyinfo.m       Scan a BSEGY file                                       
traplt.m         Plot a signal from a BSEGY data set and its spectrum    
segpic.m         Pick first breaks using mouse on waveform               
profplot.m       Plot all traces in a file, simple waveform format       
yulewalker.m     Plot all pole spectrum of seismic trace or from an      
                 autocorrelation signal as input.                        
                  DOWN HOLE SOFTWARE  Octave/Matlab                      
hodoplot.m       Plot hodogram (two channels in same file)               
hodo2plot.m      Plot hodogram (channels in two different *.seg files)   
seisazi.m        Plot header azimuth of receiver component               
                 (intended for use prior to rotation to a constant az)   
vfitw.m          Least Squares fit to first break down-hole data         
vplot.m          Nice plot of vfitw.m results                            
cainv3.m         Kelvin-Voigt inversion of down-hole (VSP) data          
                 (requires bvas.his and bamp.his results)                
caplot3.m        Nice plot of cainv3.m results                           
cafwd3.m         Forward modeling, Kelvin-Voigt computes dispersion      
                  REFRACTION SOFTWARE Octave/Matlab                      
direct.m         Direct wave analysis for overburden velocity            
delaytm.m        Delay time analysis of refraction data conventional     
delaytmR.m       Delay time analysis of refraction data reciprocal       
refplot.m        First break analysis (apparent velocity, intercept)     
                  SURFACE WAVE SOFTWARE Octave/Matlab                    
rayleigh.m       Example on how to dynamically link rwv.f for dispersion 
                 curve computation in Octave environment.                
moho.m           Example similar to rayleigh.m, but plots dispersion     
                 as a function of period.                                
FwdR1.m          Forward problem, Rayleigh wave given bvax results to    
                 compare to.  model.txt is a file with 3 rows            
                 describing the soil profile.  Example (nlay=3)          
                 v1  v2  v3                                              
                 z1  z2  z3                                              
invR1.m          Inverts a dispersion curve from bvax results (bvax.his) 
                 Truncated Singular Value method employed.               
                 Starting model in model.txt as in FwdR1.m above.        
SASW.m           Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves                      
                 Data= two time domain signals from a *.seg BSEGY data   
                 set.  Computes required cross-spectra and coherence     
saswv.m          Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves                      
                 Data= Cross-Power Spectrum and Coherence, text file     
                 dx32f.txt sample data from NGES, Texas A&M Georisk 2011 
Dispcurve.m      Example program computes dispersion from spectral record
                 Data= Frequency spectra recorded at many offsets        
                 20mSourceOffset.mat sample data Christchurch New Zealand
                 GeoCongress 2014 ASCE meeting, see GSP 234-235          
PseudoTime.m     Example program computes time series from recorded      
                 same frequency spectra data set as in Dispcurve.m above 
kvKVMBscan.m     Kelvin Voigt to KVMB damping ratio for frame:water mass 
kdKVMBscan.m     KV damping ratio vs hydraulic conductivity for porosity 
fqKVMBscan.m     KV damping ratio vs frequency for hydraulic conductivity
KD4kvmb.m        Wave stiffness,damping + porosity solution hydraulic c. 
SCRIPTS:  Installed Directory=/usr/local/share/bsu/scripts               
 Example scripts which can be customized as needed.                      
 xplot           X11 Plot waveform data using BSU program bplt           
 psplot          Postscript Plot wavform data using BSU program bplt     
 xPlot-su        X11 Plot waveform data using Seismic Unix (SU required) 
 psPlot-su       Postscript Plot wavform data using Seismic Unix         
 rename-btor     Automated renaming of files after btor execution        
 mergeplots      Concatonates group of Postscript files into a single PDF
 Merge-all       Script to process all combinations of VSP data          
 Merge2          VSP processing if load cell + 3 downhole + 3 ref. phones
 Merge           VSP processing to P-wave and SH-wave data sets          
DOCUMENTATION: Installed Directory=/usr/local/share/doc/bsu              
 bsu-user-guide3.pdf   (pdf user guide)                                  
 bsu-html.tar.gz       (html user guide)                              (html man pages)

pm 2018-04-08