Detatched GPG Signatures

Files that can not be internally signed have a detached GPG signature. For example, the TAR archive bsu-3.0.1.tar.gz has been signed with my default key using the command:

gpg -sign -armor -b bsu-3.0.1.tar.gz

This produces a file bsu-3.0.1.tar.gz.asc which is the detached signature. This signature may be verified with my public key. If the *.asc and *.tar.gz file are in the same directory, one would issue the following command:

gpg -verify bsu-3.0.1.tar.gz.asc

A more complete command would also include the file being checked as an additional argument:

gpg -verify bsu-3.0.1.tar.gz.asc bsu-3.0.1.tar.gz

pm 2018-04-08