At the time of this writing, the home web page for PLPLOT is Most linux distributions have PLPLOT binary packages available in their respective repositories. The PLPLOT library is used by BSU to generate the following types of graphics:

Program Graphics Produced Comment
X-window (xwin/wxt)
bplt.c xfig plot seismic waveform data
bvsp.f Postscript down-hole vertical seismic profile velocity inversion
bhod.F90 Postscript hodogram analysis of down-hole tool orientation
bvas.F90 Postscript velocity dispersion of Down-hole data
bamp.F90 Postscript amplitude decay of Down-hole data
bvax.F90 Postscript velocity dispersion of Surface Wave data
bamx.F90 Postscript amplitude decay of Surface Wave data
caplot.F90 Postscript composite plot of bvas and bamp results
bfit.c Postscript down-hole vertical seismic profile vertical time analysis
bgaz.c Postscript broad-band analysis of amplitude decay with vertical depth
bgar.c Postscript broad-band analysis of amplitude decay with horizontal offset

pm 2018-04-08