Input Parameter Conventions

All input parameters may be entered on the command line, but their location is restricted to a predefined order. To quickly ascertain the order, use the ``-h'' option. For example, if you type

bmed -h

Then the following output will be printed to the screen:

 | Copyright (C) 2017  P. Michaels |
 |       All rights reserved       |
 |see GNU General Public License   |
 | Basic Seismic Utilities     FORTRAN      |
 | ONLINE HELP:                             |
 | bmed: Median mix of seismic traces       |
 | across the trace direction.              |
 bmed infile mix
 infile  =input file name 
 mix     =mix width <21

This gives one a short description of the process, and the command line arguments (in this case, infile and mix). You may then run the process providing any number of command line arguments. The user will be prompted for any arguments not included on the command line. The input of parameters is done by a call to subroutine GETPRM(. . .) in Fortran, and by a function getparm(. . .) in C.

The other way to learn about the use of any program or subroutine/function of sublibF4 or sublibC4 is to use the man page. For example, you could type:

man bmed

for a more complete description of the program and its input parameters.

pm 2018-04-08