Data Format Conversion

Engineering seismic data come in a variety of data formats, as recorded on seismographs. Examples include BISON and SEG-2. Further, there are exchange formats, and other formats for published earthquake data. The BSU package contains some software to convert data from one format to another. Programs bis2seg and egg2seg have only one command line argument, the name of the input file which should be at least 4 characters long.

   bcnv  infile endian compliance idirec idfc iunits hedfil 
     infile   =  input file name
     endian  0= Little Endian host (Linux PC)   
             1= Big    Endian host (IBM Mainframe)
  compliance 1= SEGY Compliant (EBCDIC, IBM Float, BigEndian) 
             0= (ASCII Reel Header, Float and endian of host) 
     idirec  0= BSEGY ==>SEG-Y (new *.sgy)
             1= SEG-Y ==>BSEGY (new *.seg)
     idfc    1= floating point 4 byte output
             2= long integer   4 byte output
             3= short integer  2 byte output
             (uses reel header if SEG-Y input data)
     iunits  1= meters
             2= feet
             (uses reel header if SEG-Y input data)
 hedfil only input if idirec=0  BSEGY --> SEG-Y 
 (hedfil contains 3200 bytes, 40 records, 80char each
 If hedfil='none', then blank lines after C used

pm 2018-04-08