Setting Geometry

This is the most painful and most critical step in processing seismic data. The BSEGY format is derivative of SEGY format, and consists of a 240 byte trace header (which includes the geometry; source and receiver locations, elevations, sample interval, geophone polarity and orientation, etc.). The trace header is followed by the digital data for that source-receiver pair.

It is often the case that the Bison, EGG Geometrics, or whatever recording instrument does not contain enough information to complete the trace header. This is why paper observer's logs are filled out. Here is where the surveyor information is merged to complete the setting of trace headers. Header information like sample interval or number of samples are usually OK and included in the trace header when tools like bis2seg, egg2seg, topcon, topcon2, bhed, bnez, gensetg, setgeom, genref are run.


pm 2018-04-08