
This Fortran program would follow after first converting from either an instrument format (Bison | SEG-2) or from the SEGY exchange format to the BSU format, BSEGY. The online help shown below describes how one can limit the data either by time (tmin & tmax) or by trace number (fstrc & lstrc). The output file will be columns (traces) and time sample (down the page). One can also output an optional first column with sample time. Microsoft users often find the *.exe versions of these programs useful.

seg2txt infil tmin tmax fstrc lstrc timelist  
 infil =input file name 
 tmin  =minimum time 
 tmax  =maximum time 
 fstrc =first trace  
 lstrc =last trace 
 timelist = 0 do NOT add column of sample times 
          = 1 Do add first column of sample times 
  seg2txt 1000.seg .05 .10 2  5 0   
 would generate text file with 5-2+1=4 columns
 No additional time column added

pm 2018-04-08