
This C-language program would follow after first converting from either an instrument format (Bison | SEG-2) or from the SEGY exchange format to the BSU format, BSEGY. The online help shown below reveals that this program does not limit the data the way program seg2txt above does. For example, if the input file is 48 traces, 2500 samples per trace, the output *.csv file will have 2500 rows and 49 columns (the extra column being sample time, and is the first column). The advantage of this approach is that the user need not know how many channels or samples are in the file, and the disadvantage is that a very big file could swamp the limits of a spread sheet program.

   seg2csv  infile    
     infile  = input file name (4char minimum)
From the Man page:  
     seg2csv 0001.seg

     Input file 0001.seg   will  be  converted  and  output  as  file  named

pm 2018-04-08