List of Figures

  1. Example of a trace by offset in meters plot, written to file bplt.pdf
  2. Trace equalized version of Figure 1
  3. TPLT: Plot of the first trace in the file c008.seg. Units are microvolts if only instrument corrections have been applied. Of course that will change depending on the processing history.
  4. QPLT: Quality control plot showing traces, each scaled by the maximum value in the trace. Output includes X11 and (GNUPLOT)
  5. CAPLOT: Display S-wave dispersion and amplitude decay from program outputs of BVAS and BAMP programs.
  6. OCTAVE TRAPLT: Octave version of TRAPLT program. Octave is a mathematical interactive program like Matlab. Compare this plot to the all pole yule walker spectrum of figure 7
  7. OCTAVE YULE WALKER: Octave program which computes the ALL POLE spectrum. Input can be either a seismic trace data or an autocorrelation of trace data (either must be in BSEGY format, *.seg file). Compare to Figure 6 FFT plot. See BXCR 12.0.16 for how to create an autocorrelation as input.
  8. OCTAVE SEISAZI: Plots a horizontal component azimuth from the headers of an *.seg file. Here, the plot is of the T-component from a down-hole survey. Phone orientation was determined using program BHOD.
  9. OCTAVE HODOPLOT: Plotting particle motion on the down-hole horizontal R- and T- components which are channels in the same *.seg file. If components are in different files, use HODO2PLOT program instead (see 6.0.10).
  10. OCTAVE HODO2PLOT: Plotting particle motion on the Radial and Vertical components of a Rayleigh wave problem in which the channels reside in different *.seg files. If components are in a single file, use HODOPLOT program instead (see 6.0.9).
  11. OCTAVE PROFPLOT: Plots a shot gather of traces in BSEGY formated file, *.seg. Traces are individually scaled by the maximum value. Compare to images Figure 2 and Figure 4.
  12. OCTAVE SEGPIC: Example of a trace for picking with mouse. First arrival refraction is at about 0.055 seconds.
  13. OCTAVE REFPLOT: Plots first break picks which have been added to headers with BPIC. Then use mouse to pick line segment (start,end), followed by a mouse click to plot refractor apparent velocity result. See section 8.4.6, estimating a cross-over distance for program BREF.
  14. (A) Plot of a shot gather, (B) BRED: linear trend, 3000 m/s reduction velocity, .05 seconds offset. See section for an example of picking data with BRED.
  15. BVAX: Phase velocity semblance display file, clrplot.png. For details on semblance, see Sheriff (1991). Semblance provides a measure of the degree to which the data were aligned at a trial velocity.
  16. BVAX: Phase velocity semblance display file,
  17. invR1: After 5 iterations, the resulting soil model is shown. The S-wave velocity with inverted control points is shown as the Blue curve ($m/s$). The Red curve is the P-wave velocity, and at the far right is the constant density ($kg/m^3$)
  18. invR1: Progress of the inversion. The initial model dispersion is the fastest green curve. The green curve is the dispersion after 5 iterations. Data from bvax.his is in blue.
  19. invR1: The code also generates a GNUPLOT file,, which shows the final solution when run with the gnuplot program.
  20. SASW: Cross spectrum amplitude and coherence reveal what range of frequencies provides useful dispersion information.
  21. SASW: Dispersion computation over limited range of frequencies selected in the GUI.
  22. saswv: Cross power spectrum from data Michaels (2014).
  23. saswv: Dispersion computed from data Michaels (2014).
  24. BFIT: Straight line fit yields interval velocity by least squares. Title has the value of the velocity, 479 $\pm 10$ m/s.
  25. BVEL: Data flattened on 500 m/s (direct wave in bedrock). Overburden is slower (about 100 m/s). Reflection off top of bedrock shown.
  26. VFITW ->VPLOT: Plot of vertical time vs. elevation, and interval velocities. Axes and placement of velocity labels by mouse.
  27. BVSP: Solution is a first layer, 4.5 meter thick Vs=114.3 m/s, second layer 2.0 meter thick, Vs=459.7 m/s, on top of a half-space with Vs=395.1 m/s.
  28. BVAS: SH body-wave dispersion and semblance results for down-hole data. These are the automated picks for maximum semblance as seen in Figure 29. Viscous, Kelvin-Voit behavior is an increase in velocity with frequency (Michaels, 1998).
  29. BVAS: SH body-wave semblance results for down-hole data.
  30. BAMP: SH body-wave amplitude decay for down-hole data same as seen in Figure 28 velocity dispersion. Corrected for beam spreading, a viscous, Kelvin-Voigt material, the decay should increase with frequency (Michaels, 1998).
  31. CAINV3: First display. Use mouse to pick frequency limits for analysis, low and then high.
  32. CAPLOT3: Plot of velocity dispersion, measure and calculated (solid line) only over frequency range used in cainv3 (8.2.7). Weighting by reciprocal of standard deviations.
  33. CAPLOT3: Plot of decay, measure and calculated (solid line) only over frequency range used in cainv3 (8.2.7). Weighting by reciprocal of standard deviations. Relaxation time about 4 msec. Relaxation time is $T_r=\frac {C_2}{C_1}$.
  34. kdKVMBscan.m: Plots Kelvin-Voigt damping ratio vs. hydraulic conductivity for user provided porosity and frquency of shaking. Here, porosity is 30% and frequencies are 10 and 50 Hz. Left of the peak is coupled motion (small pores, fluid largely moves with frame). Right of the peak is uncoupled motion (large pores).
  35. fqKVMBscan.m: Plots Kelvin-Voigt damping ratio vs. frequency fo user defined porosity and hydraulic conductivities. Here, porosity set at 0.25, two different cases of hydraulic conductivity $K_d = .01~~ K_d=.001~~ m/s $ .
  36. Prompt for input in KD4kvmb.m run
  37. BSHF: After picks uploaded to headers with BPIC, data are static shifted to align on .05 seconds using header values. This is a quality control step. See example flow, section
  38. BMRK: Inserting a + spike to mark pick times.
  39. BREF: Output for direct wave analysis. Title shows the least squares solution for the overburden velocity, $923 \pm 35 m/s $. Range of offsets 0 -> 30 m.
  40. OCTAVE DELAYTM: Structure solution for shots k008 and k009. Ground surface in blue, top of bedrock in red. Soil velocity 923 m/s between blue and red. Bedrock velocity 4121 m/s.
  41. OCTAVE DELAYTM: Computed solution and observed times for k008 and k009.
  42. OCTAVE DELAYTMR: Reciprocal shooting across a river. Airgun source deployed at stations across bridge (Michaels, 2001a).
  43. OCTAVE DELAYTMR: Structure assuming an overburden velocity of 1500 m/s. River water surface and bottom of river bottom in blue. Refractor structure in red.
  44. OCTAVE DELAYTMR: Observed arrival times and fit assuming an overburden velocity of 1500 m/s.
  45. CAFWD3: Example without data, program's second plot showing quality factor, Q, The program's first figure plot expresses damping in terms of decay ($1/m$ units) as in Figures 30, 31, and 33.
  46. LAMB:Ground particle velocity solution for Lamb's problem, $itype=4$.
  47. LAMB: Geophone (10 Hz, 0.7 damping) response, $itype=6$.
  48. BNFD: Computing all fields (S-wave, P-wave, Near-field) The geometry is taken from a template file, c008.seg, and spans offsets from 7 to 100 meters. As offset increases, the far field P- and S-wave motion waxes as the near field wanes.
  49. Gnuplot image created by the script. The -p command line option of the gnuplot command makes the X11 plot persistent. Press the q key while mouse focus is in the figure to end the display. Then view the plot.pdf file with your favorite PDF viewer.
  50. DISPER: The model and phase velocity plots. The model.m plot shows P-wave (red), S-wave (blue) velocity, and density (black). This is a layer over a half-space model. On the right is the phase.m generated plot showing the fundamental mode (blue) and two higher modes (red). The model (soil profile) was generated in gendis (9.2.5)
  51. DISPER: Re-running disper to compute the motion stress vectors. See section for how to edit disper.d. The file, mat2.m created this plot. Blue is horizontal, Red is vertical.
  52. WAVES: Wavelet on left, group velocity dispersion on right. No significance to curve colors except that in the dispersion plot, the fundamental is Blue and higher modes are in Red. Soil representation is layer over half-space as shown in and Figure 50 above.
  53. WAVES: Synthetic seismograms for Vertical (wavV.seg) and horizontal (wavR.seg) motion.
  54. Hodogram for offset 5 meters. Requires bsegin.m, segyinfo.m, and hodo2plot.m in directory with wavV.seg and wavR.seg files (see 6.0.10).
  55. Hodogram at offset 5 meters for alternative half-space soil model, see show.tmp above. Sign conventions need to be taken into account when determining type of motion.
  56. BDUM: Impuse replaced original data and filtered by BFIL program (band-pass 6 pole 40 Hz center, 40 Hz bandwidth, minimum phase).
  57. GENWAW: Example data from a small hammer source, trace equalized with BEQU 12.0.9.
  58. An example of what a plot by offset might look like, trace equalized with BEQU 12.0.9.
  59. BHOD: plot produced showing PCA results for a geophone at about 19.39 meters depth. File bhod.lst: (00010 196.8 286.8) = (seq. R-azi, T-azi)
  60. BHOD: plot produced showing PCA results for a geophone at about 11.68 meters depth.
  61. BHOD: plot produced showing PCA results for a geophone at about 20 meters depth.
  62. BNEZ: Plot of Bison file data with geometry added.
  63. QCAD: Qcad used to read the file samp0000.dxf and exported to a PDF file. The point SP001 is at the origin, (0,0,0).
  64. QCAD: Qcad plot of modified samp0000.nez file, samp0000.mod. Point SP001 is now at (20,20,0).
  65. BCAD: DXF file edited, add some coordinates and labels. Editing DXF in QCAD,
  66. BMRG: A)is plot of all shot efforts (166 traces) and B) is plot of only very other shot (83 traces). NOTE: data are not rotated to a standard orientation, azimuth of T-component drifts up the hole.
  67. BEDT: (A) Original data, 48 traces, 0-1 seconds, .0005 second sample interval. (B) Edited to only first 6 traces, 0-0.2 seconds, interpolated to .00025 second sample interval.
  68. BKIL: Zero noisy traces 8, 41, 46 of data shown in Figure 67 (A).
  69. BEXT: Extracted traces from receiver location “ 030”. In the merged file (A) red arrows show receiver “ 030” and these are replotted in (B). Note the receiver name is 4 characters, “blank,zero,three,zero”.
  70. BWIN: Data zeroed outside of the tapered window.
  71. BREV: (A) original data, (B) reverse polarity first 2 channels, (C) reverse channel order. Data plotted by offset.
  72. BABS: Rectify data (take absolute value).
  73. BINT: Integration of traces, plotted trace equalized with BEQU 12.0.9. Negative values grey, positive. DC levels are revealed by drift in either the positive or negative direction.
  74. BDIF: Differentiation of BSEGY data, plot trace equalized with BEQU 12.0.9.
  75. BEQU: (A) original scaling of data, (B) trace equalized with L2 norm. The scale factors for plotting are 40000 for (A) and 8 for (B).
  76. BSCL: Scale all traces by the maximum absolute value (MAV) found in the first 5 traces.
  77. BGAR: Broadband scale by spherical divergence and exponential decay. Range from 6 to 100 meters.
  78. BGAR: Broadband scale by spherical divergence and exponential decay. Specified .03 dB/m for inelastic decay.
  79. BGAZ: Broadband scale by spherical divergence and exponential decay. Depth range from 2 to 20 meters.
  80. BGAZ: Broadband scale by spherical divergence and exponential decay. Specified 1.43 dB/m for inelastic decay. Elevations are down the bore-hole.
  81. BAGC: Zero-phase boxcar 0.3 seconds.
  82. BAGC: Single pole AGC envelope .04 seconds.
  83. BBAL: (A) Original data (down-hole barely visible) (B) data after splitting the data into two files, running BBAL, then combining into a second file.
  84. BSTK: (A) Original data T-component data (B) Stack of the T-component data (all traces replicas of the stack result).
  85. BXCR: (A) Auto correlation of data shown in Figure 75 (B) Stack of the auto correlation (all traces replicas of the stack result).
  86. BNOS: Band-limited noise, 10-100 Hz.
  87. BGAZ: (A) Gained down-hole data, blue=direct wave, red=reverberating reflections (B) BSHF: Data flattened on down-going wave.
  88. BMED: (A) median mix of the direct wave (see figure 87 B) (B) BSUM: direct down-going wave estimate subtracted from total wave field.
  89. BSHF: (A) median mix of the direct wave (see figure 87 B) (B) BSUM: direct down-going wave estimate subtracted from total wave field. Data in 2-way time.
  90. The author's orientations and notation for down-hole surveys. Note that the reference and bore-hole phones are wired differently (in terms of R- and T-component wiring).
  91. BFXT: (A) trace equalized shot gather using BEQU 12.0.9 (B) the amplitude spectrum after equalization with BEQU. Not shown is the phase transform.
  92. BCAR: (A) low-pass filter, trace equalized with BEQU 12.0.9 (B) high-pass filter by subtracting low-pass from original data, also trace equalized. Input data are same as in Figure 91A.
  93. BFIL: Input data are same as in Figure 91A.
  94. BDCN: Input data are same as in Figure 91A.
  95. (A) BDUM->BFIL: Filtered file of impulses. (B) BFTR: Filter field data with filtered impulse file. Input data c008.seg are same as in Figure 91A.
  96. (B) BFTR: same as in Figure 95B. (C) BFTR: Filter field data with namelist file, filter.dat. Input data c008.seg are same as in Figure 91A. Note the different delay in time.
  97. BWHT: 0.4 second AGC window, 50 Hz center, 80 Hz bandwidth, 10 Hz rolloff. Input data c008.seg are same as in Figure 91A.